Reading 07

I have read the chapters of two of my peers wrote. I did find the chapters very interesting and learnt a few things in the process. I did think the two chapters, Gaming psychology and the history of games were interesting.
In the history of gaming chapter, I wasn't aware that there was a difference between formal and informal play. I thought every game, even the simplest had at least one rule. In the gaming psychology chapter, I was aware of many of the points made in it. And I do know just how bad gaming addiction can be. While I am a gamer, I'm lucky enough that I'm not as bad as some other people and I actually cannot stay on my computer or an electronic device for too long. One thing that I do need to do with my chapter is add the references and bibliography.

Overall I think my peers wrote good chapters that brought up interesting and important points. I did learn some new things reading them and now I've gotten curious on reading other chapters. Anyway, I'm glad I got my chapter written and I believe my peers have done a great job on their own chapters. That's it from me I'll see you next time



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