Tutorial 03


So I have finished my next Unity tutorial. It was fun as I finally got to add actual game-play apart from movement, which is health, although, You can't view health in-game just yet. I added environment hazards, enemies and health items. I am not being very creative with the level design just yet, I'm going to wait until I have more of the tutorials completed first
I wonder how complicated we're going to make the enemy A.I., however I should get my hopes up that it will be that complicated. As usual I did complete these tutorials faster than the estimated time. While I usually have no problem with the tutorials, there has been one problem that I have encountered time and time again that I have no idea how to fix, which I will show in the following screenshot.

I have no idea how to fix this problem as even when I copy and paste the code from the tutorial, it persists, there is only one fix I have found.
Change the follow code from this
Into this 

My only problem with this fix is that this fix is not mentioned as something I to do in the tutorial. They even mention that having too many public variables will cause bugs down the line, but they haven't said how to fix this problem. And I know there isn't a problem with the code because I've copied and pasted it in, just to make sure.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I will find the solution that the tutorials want me to use were this error won't come up, but that variable is not a public one, but it doesn't matter right now. I am looking forward to the animating the characters, so the game doesn't look like something you whipped up in Game-Maker in five minutes. Which is something I've done before and while it didn't bother me at the time, it bothers me that every sprite was a still image with no animation. So that's it from me for now and I'll see you next time.



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