Unity Tutorial 06


I have completed the next batch of tutorials. I have to admit, it wasn't as frustrating at the last ones. I had complained that I didn't think I had coded the ability to throw projectiles, but it turns out I did, I just forgot which button it was assigned to. 
In these tutorials, we created the UI, which is very important in games. When I was trying to get it to work, I had some problems moving the Pivot with my mouse, as it would just move the images themselves, so I had to type in its position, which I had to trial and error to get right, but I got it working in the end.

We also created as NPC, though this NPC is as simple as they get, you interact with them with a button and they say some dialogue, but, it was interesting to create them and I wonder if they are going to get more complicated.

One thing I did notice however with the robot, is that its animations for walking aren't working and I don't know how to fix it. I also notice that its hitbox for the gears are not big enough or I've given it way too much health, but I will look into those problems later.

The next tutorial is going to be adding sounds and I'm interested if they are going to go with old school sounds from Windows XP style games.

Anyway, this batch of tutorials overall were far less frustrating than the last ones, so I hope the audio tutorials won't be so frustrating. Once the game is all built up, maybe I'll look into expanding the environment. I'll see you later.



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