Unity Tutorial


I've finished the first Unity tutorial of this semester. I found it hard to motivate myself to get started, but I did eventually.

Making a 2-D game is interesting, it can be easier than a 3-D game, as you don't need to know how to make and texture 3-D models. I wonder what this tutorial will turn this game into. From looking at some of the assets, I guess some type of R.P.G.
The actual tutorials didn't take me too long I don't think, I believe I did most of them quicker than the suggested time. One thing that did trip me up was the Tile-maps. Unity had changed since the tutorial I was following was written. 
We were given a video on the official class website on what was different and how it would look to set up. But I was stubborn and wanted to figure it out on my own. It did take me a while to figure things out and I did make some mistakes, but I did get it working eventually. 
I knew, just by reading the other options when making the Tile-palette, that the one I wanted to use was rectangular. When making the actual pallet, when I was trying to put the sprites in, I made the mistake of deleting my tile-palette, think I didn't need it, and I had to remake it, but I did get around it. My only gripe I've had is that there isn't a sprite to make the following look right.

So far I'm fairly confident with the process of the tutorials, my only problem would be getting myself motivated to do them, which is a struggle. I'm hoping I don't fall behind because of a lack of motivation, but sometimes I have more motivation to do other things than to do the tutorials, but I'm sure I can get through it. I'll see you next time



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