
Showing posts from March, 2022

Reading 05

I've continued on my research on the representation of different minority groups in gaming. This time, I've focused on racial representation. What I found was shocking, as I didn't notice it until I really started to look at it. This in of itself can be a problem, because I, being a Caucasian male, shows that I don't notice other racial groups being under-represented, which is a problem that needs to be addressed. A big problem with this part of my research is a lot of the papers I was finding required me to pay money to see the full paper, so I had to make do with the previews for my reading, which did work out, but it would have been nice to be able to see the full paper. One  paper I looked at talked about how someone, who I assume is African American, talked about revisiting a childhood boxing game and talked about how in their adult game, found it offensive how they represented the African American characters. They then talked about how younger players didn't ...


 So I have continued my analysis. Of course, my main focus will be the LGBT community in the gaming industry, but I do plan on touching on other minorities as well, this time, I focused my attention on the portrayal of women in the gaming industry. Off the bat, before I even started my research, I knew there was a problem with the portrayal of women in gaming. I, myself, even find it fascinating and unusual when a game has a sole female protagonist. The games I can think of that have female protagonists are games where there are multiple protagonists and the females are outnumbered by the males, or it's a game where you can chose the gender of your character. This is all stuff I knew even before I started my in-dept analysis. Going into my research I found a  paper  that details the portrayal of women in gaming. While I probably not reference this one in my essay, as it is from 2006, it does bring up some important notes that I have noticed in the gaming industry. The mai...

Tutorial 4

  So I have completed my next batch of Unity Tutorials, I still like them, but they are started to get really complicated. One Thing I was glad we did was animation, it was very complicated, which I knew before I even started. While I was familiar with key-frames from Adobe Premiere Pro and Audition, Unity made things a bit more tricky as it was very specific with the steps when making new animations, which was to be expected. One problem I having with the tutorials, is that they are starting to skim on showing us very new line of code to write. I am confident doing new things as long as I have someone helping me every step of the way until I am familiar enough to do it myself, which I am no where near with writing C# scripts. Another problem with my scripts is that, as of writing this post, my keyboard has started to double or even triple every key I type, I've had to go back in this post a lot to remove extra letters that my keyboard put down. This has happened with my keybo...

Tutorial 03

  So I have finished my next Unity tutorial. It was fun as I finally got to add actual game-play apart from movement, which is health, although, You can't view health in-game just yet. I added environment hazards, enemies and health items. I am not being very creative with the level design just yet, I'm going to wait until I have more of the tutorials completed first I wonder how complicated we're going to make the enemy A.I., however I should get my hopes up that it will be that complicated. As usual I did complete these tutorials faster than the estimated time. While I usually have no problem with the tutorials, there has been one problem that I have encountered time and time again that I have no idea how to fix, which I will show in the following screenshot. I have no idea how to fix this problem as even when I copy and paste the code from the tutorial, it persists, there is only one fix I have found. Change the follow code from this Into this   My only problem with this...

Tutorial 02

 I've finished my second round of Unity tutorials and they are simple enough I had no real problems with this one, I'm glad we were able to add colliders to things that the character shouldn't be walking over, like the water. The tutorials did suggest adding more decorations to the environment besides boxes, but I was too lazy to reread the tutorial for adding the collisions and adding the prefabs and all that.  The only problem I did come across was when I was editing the script so the character would collide with the boxes properly and didn't stutter while running into them, I edited the script in a way that I couldn't move the character any more. Both my script and the script that the tutorial had looked identical, but when I decided to copy the whole script on the tutorial and paste it into my script, suddenly the character could move again. I don't know what was the problem, but it doesn't matter anymore. One thing I am hoping for is being able to creat...

Reading 03

 After taking time to think about it, I've decided to look at how the representation of the LGBT community and other minority groups in video games has changed. While I will be looking at minority groups as a whole, my main focus will be the LGBT community, the reason is that I find them very interesting and the fact that I've seen straight couples so many times, that they are now boring me. I've read on how in reality, the gaming industry still has a long ways to go in terms of LGBT representation. I read that there are homophobic players who don't want any LGBT themes. However that could be counteracted by saying there used to be sexist players who didn't want women as playable characters and look where we are now. On a serious note, a lot of AAA developers, from what I read, are very intimated on having more prominent LGBT themes because they are afraid of losing the market on their homophobic players, but to that I say screw them, and a lot of straight players a...