Unity Tutorial 02


I have completed the second Unity tutorial and I think I am getting the hang of it, although, I still worry about forgetting the code as I do have a lot going on in terms of work. My overall experience has been a lot better than it was when I first tried Unity. I got to give the player actual control in this tutorial which I think is a big achievement.

One thing I've noticed is that it is taking much shorter to do these tutorials than expected, my first one, I forget to say, but it is estimated that it would take 200 minutes, while for me I feel like I did it in 45 to 60 minutes. This tutorial was estimated to take 50 minutes, I did it in just over 30 minutes. Although I did notice this time around I went back a couple times to make sure I was doing it right. There are some tasks I wasn't really interested in doing, such as putting comments in my code. Maybe that's just me, but I can usually work out what's going on just by looking at it without comments. But for the odd time that I can't do that comments are useful and I do understand why people use them.

With that all said and done, I do wish we had learned how to make an interactive camera, but I hope that will come in a future tutorial and maybe even how to make a first-person game. I'm still racking my head on an idea for a game that is in my skill set, but I am having a tough time.

After that I tried the challenge to fix a buggy game. This was quite fun, but challenging because there was no video tutorials. I did have to look back at the previous tutorials to figure out what to do, but when I found out what the problems were they were easy to fix. I even managed to figure out how to make the propeller of the plane spin. This all took me about 25 minutes to find the problems and fix them.

Anyway that's it for now. Hopefully in future tutorials we learn about how to make the things that I described and I come up with an idea that isn't way out of my league, so I'll see you next time.



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