
Showing posts from November, 2021

Game Design

 What is a game?  Not an easy question to answer.  Games come in all different shapes, sizes, genres, etc. Games, from what I know are a means of entertainment. They are for everyone of all ages. There are some games that are targeted towards a certain group of people more than others, but in reality anyone can play any game they want to. Even though some people try to act like they can't. Making a game is not an easy task, especially video games, and it usually requires a team of people. A lot of people who try to make video games give up when they realise how much more work needs to be put into it than they thought. I know how difficult making a video game is so I'm not even going to try. I remember I tried to make a game, but I was put in a situation where no-one was showing me what to do, I didn't get the help I needed and it has ruined the chance of me trying to make a game ever again. I am okay looking through game files to look at different things such as texture f...

Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset. I can't say I've ever heard of it before. When I looked into it, I didn't know what to think of it. My only problem that I can think of is that I believe having a growth mindset is easier said than done, which can be said for a lot of things. It's not a topic that I have a strong opinion about. When I look at it I can see where they are coming from and why it would be beneficial, but I do find having a growth mindset difficult. I feel like it's down to the situation. Some situations you can have a growth mindset while in others it's a fixed mindset. I am in the middle of these. Some situations my mindset is fixed, others it's not. Although I've noticed that it is usually fixed, although I think it has something to do with feeling unmotivated to something, even if I want to do it. As I don't have a strong interest in this topic, I would not be interested in learning more about it on my own, but if someone else was talking about it to m...


 Hi, I'm Chris. I'm 20 years old and this is an introduction about me, as almost nobody knows anything about me. I'm very reserved, so here I plan on talking a bit about myself. One of the big things about me is Video games. I previously wrote about a few of my favorite video games. My first console I remember playing was the PlayStation 2 and two of my favorite games on it were The Simpsons: Hit and Run and The Polar Express Video Game. Gaming is such a big part of my life that my current favorite game, Minecraft, gave me my Internet last name from a joke that in Minecraft I attract creepers like a magnet. I am not good with horror games, but I'm trying to get better at it. I do like tycoon style games. One I've tried that I'd like to start playing again was called Prison Architect. I'm pretty flexible with Video Game genres except for a few. For example I do not like endless runner style games. I would rather a goal to race towards rather than try to run f...

Favourite Game

 I am a big gamer. Although it is difficult to chose which game is my favourite as I like so many. I will discuss different games I've played in the past and what I think of them. The Dark Pictures Anthology is a game series developed  by Supermassive Games  and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment  that I've enjoyed, although I've personally only played the second entry 'Little Hope'. I've enjoyed the three instalments so far and I'm looking forward to the next instalment 'The Devil in Me'. The Anthology games are all horror survival games. While they each have their own story and characters independent from each other, they are all in the same universe connected by the mysterious character called 'The Curator'. Each game shares the same mechanics with minor difference as the developers refine and improve their mechanics. The thing I find the most interesting is that each of the five playable characters can live or die based on player dec...