Game Design
What is a game? Not an easy question to answer. Games come in all different shapes, sizes, genres, etc. Games, from what I know are a means of entertainment. They are for everyone of all ages. There are some games that are targeted towards a certain group of people more than others, but in reality anyone can play any game they want to. Even though some people try to act like they can't. Making a game is not an easy task, especially video games, and it usually requires a team of people. A lot of people who try to make video games give up when they realise how much more work needs to be put into it than they thought. I know how difficult making a video game is so I'm not even going to try. I remember I tried to make a game, but I was put in a situation where no-one was showing me what to do, I didn't get the help I needed and it has ruined the chance of me trying to make a game ever again. I am okay looking through game files to look at different things such as texture f...