
Reading 12

 So I have completed my last round of reading tasks. I thought it was interesting writing a chapter, but it didn't come without its challenges. First I thought about writing a chapter about why people play games, but I couldn't get stuck into it. So I decided to switch my chapter to be about how representation is changing in video games, a topic I'm much more interested in. Having more representation in video games is important to me as I'm not the 'typical' cisgender American, straight white male gamer. I am cisgender and I am a white male, but I'm not American and I identify as asexual. It is important to me that more characters of different nationalities get represented, and it's not something people commonly talk about. The fact that in almost every piece of media, books, video games, movies, or TV shows, the most popular ones ALWAYS have a majority cast of American characters, whether they are fully American or partly American. As someone who is not...

Tutorial 07

I have finished my last round of Unity tutorials. While I did find them interesting, I know that game development is not for me, as I cannot remember what any of the code I wrote in my scripts do. In these tutorials, we were taught about audio and preparing a build for publishing. I thought the audio was interesting, but we weren't taught how to get some of it working, like the footsteps for the player character, or the sounds for hitting the robots with the cogs. The build part, I kind of breezed through, as my build was no where near good enough for publishing. My only problem with these tutorials is we weren't taught how to make the character have a finite about of cogs, players could just throw cogs infinitely which gets away some of the challenge for a game like this. I would have appreciated a tutorial on how to create a set amount of ammo and collecting ammo. I also couldn't fix some problems I've been having, like the robot's animations not working or, makin...

Reading 07

I have read the chapters of two of my peers wrote. I did find the chapters very interesting and learnt a few things in the process. I did think the two chapters, Gaming psychology and the history of games were interesting. In the history of gaming chapter, I wasn't aware that there was a difference between formal and informal play. I thought every game, even the simplest had at least one rule. In the gaming psychology chapter, I was aware of many of the points made in it. And I do know just how bad gaming addiction can be. While I am a gamer, I'm lucky enough that I'm not as bad as some other people and I actually cannot stay on my computer or an electronic device for too long. One thing that I do need to do with my chapter is add the references and bibliography. Overall I think my peers wrote good chapters that brought up interesting and important points. I did learn some new things reading them and now I've gotten curious on reading other chapters. Anyway, I'm gla...

Unity Tutorial 06

  I have completed the next batch of tutorials. I have to admit, it wasn't as frustrating at the last ones. I had complained that I didn't think I had coded the ability to throw projectiles, but it turns out I did, I just forgot which button it was assigned to.  In these tutorials, we created the UI, which is very important in games. When I was trying to get it to work, I had some problems moving the Pivot with my mouse, as it would just move the images themselves, so I had to type in its position, which I had to trial and error to get right, but I got it working in the end. We also created as NPC, though this NPC is as simple as they get, you interact with them with a button and they say some dialogue, but, it was interesting to create them and I wonder if they are going to get more complicated. One thing I did notice however with the robot, is that its animations for walking aren't working and I don't know how to fix it. I also notice that its hitbox for the gears are...

Reading 06

 So I did more research into representation in video games. I shifted my focus to researching how different nationalities are represented. Surprisingly, I couldn't really find any papers about this specific topic, but I myself see the problem. If any video games you play that take place in some sort of Earth or similar, 90% of the player characters will be some type of American or Japanese nationality, whether it's partial or fully. And for me, being non-American or Japanese, it makes me feel insecure about my own nationality because I don't see it represented enough in a non stereotypical way, some of which I'm actually starting to find it offensive because of how much they are stereotyped, this is more seen in American animated sitcoms, but that's beside the point. Because I couldn't really find much papers on this topic, I had to do my own research, as people don't seem to see this as a problem, and I do, as how can the video game industry be diverse if e...

Tutorial 05

  I have completed my next round of Unity Tutorials. These were not the most interesting, not going to lie. The first one was all about making the camera follow the player character, which is important, but it's not exciting. The next tutorial was about particles. Particles are important, but they are really complicated to get right. I followed the tutorial to get the smoke particles for the robot, but based on some text in the tutorial, it implies I should have the player character able to throw projectiles, which is something I haven't done. I don't know what happened there. Also after doing the smoke, the tutorial said to do other particles yourself such as health particles or damage particles. I tried making an attempt at the damage particles, but quickly got fed up trying to figure this out, because damage particles are so much different than the smoke particles. I am hoping the next patch of tutorials will not be so boring. I also don't like it when the tutorials ...

Reading 05

I've continued on my research on the representation of different minority groups in gaming. This time, I've focused on racial representation. What I found was shocking, as I didn't notice it until I really started to look at it. This in of itself can be a problem, because I, being a Caucasian male, shows that I don't notice other racial groups being under-represented, which is a problem that needs to be addressed. A big problem with this part of my research is a lot of the papers I was finding required me to pay money to see the full paper, so I had to make do with the previews for my reading, which did work out, but it would have been nice to be able to see the full paper. One  paper I looked at talked about how someone, who I assume is African American, talked about revisiting a childhood boxing game and talked about how in their adult game, found it offensive how they represented the African American characters. They then talked about how younger players didn't ...