Unity Tutorial 06

I have completed the next batch of tutorials. I have to admit, it wasn't as frustrating at the last ones. I had complained that I didn't think I had coded the ability to throw projectiles, but it turns out I did, I just forgot which button it was assigned to. In these tutorials, we created the UI, which is very important in games. When I was trying to get it to work, I had some problems moving the Pivot with my mouse, as it would just move the images themselves, so I had to type in its position, which I had to trial and error to get right, but I got it working in the end. We also created as NPC, though this NPC is as simple as they get, you interact with them with a button and they say some dialogue, but, it was interesting to create them and I wonder if they are going to get more complicated. One thing I did notice however with the robot, is that its animations for walking aren't working and I don't know how to fix it. I also notice that its hitbox for the gears are...