Unity Tutorial
I've finished the first Unity tutorial of this semester. I found it hard to motivate myself to get started, but I did eventually. Making a 2-D game is interesting, it can be easier than a 3-D game, as you don't need to know how to make and texture 3-D models. I wonder what this tutorial will turn this game into. From looking at some of the assets, I guess some type of R.P.G. The actual tutorials didn't take me too long I don't think, I believe I did most of them quicker than the suggested time. One thing that did trip me up was the Tile-maps. Unity had changed since the tutorial I was following was written. We were given a video on the official class website on what was different and how it would look to set up. But I was stubborn and wanted to figure it out on my own. It did take me a while to figure things out and I did make some mistakes, but I did get it working eventually. I knew, just by reading the other options when making the Tile-palette, that the one I wa...